Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bunko Ideas For February

arrived in September, I feel so recharged from the long summer holidays, but I substituted a bit 'that feeling of intolerance. Once touched closely the true freedom of leave, and I speak of freedom from: commitments, timetables, appointments, telephone and mobile phone rings. Here once heard the wind in your hair and having long nitrite, returning to the life I always feel a bit 'more intolerant. A little 'as when you turn in flip-flops and sneakers and then one night we must put the knuckle in a Cinderella-style shoe with the toe and heel mucho high. Well, I do but I do not want all this. So let me just say a few things, hoping to make me feel a bit 'better:
- just who is crying on me: you have just broken. There is not just you, not only are your problems and above are not the center of the world!
- just those who use the headlights on the highway like a battering ram against the drawbridge of a castle under siege. When I feel like I move, until proven otherwise if you're behind me to say that after you get ..
- just the news programs and the history of high prices. First of all, create excessive anxiety. So much so that in the morning I feel that there will be increases on everything (key words: bread, pasta and oil), and I think, but in the end because if you go to work at the end they kill all the oil companies? I'm home and I think the dark as to save money.
- just balances. They broke. You can not go to stores and find the stuff of Ante €. I want to buy stuff that is not only XS or XXL, color or vomiting worse. But even buy the coat ..
Just enough to probably someone on his blog is talking about someone like me who say enough is enough ...
(PS: just to spam, I have no pain and did not want to "enlarge", not the casino, do not buy programs tarot, I do not have an account in 10 banks that have trouble writing in Italian my bank account is being settled) I feel better. Thanks

Friday, June 27, 2008

Brazilian Big Mama Big Phat

Fresh & Clean - clean and fresh

There are some items that trigger memories, sometimes even just a smell or to trigger a sensation.
today by going to the bathroom in our office here at the bottom floor, I noticed u n object. Put there in the cabinet where we keep women items for survival and therefore: toothbrush, toothpaste, intimate wipes, combs and everything that can go to our sick minds. But not being an office of women only, now has the appearance of a new entry on closer inspection very unfeminine. If our towels are very small, pink, or CHILLY are called names like that, there he stands in the dark blue of the giant cylindrical Tubone of Fresh & Clean wipes. An absolute must for rental of my family. A boon in stops in roadside restaurants, when a child my mother us ava to clean our various orifices and our sticky hands. Maybe red from hours spent menarci (me and my brother) on the back seat of our family. The scent of these wipes is unforgettable. With the door closed behind me, in our blind tub (yes, because the bathrooms are all the rage now blind with fans that do not work!) I picked up the giant pipe, open the little cap, in smaller packs that invariably broke , and I breathed in that scent that always the same, took me back to summers in many many years ago.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Surgeon Xmas Walkthrough App

virtual communities?

more now communicate almost exclusively in a virtual way. Since the invention of the telephone in such forward. The letters have been lost a bit 'down the street, those lines a bit' wrong on which to show off its good or bad handwriting. Go to choose a stationery writing paper better, even scented.
Now there are faxes and emails even better. But now even these are exceeded: by Messenger. Real drug of our years, without which we would feel lost, isolated and abandoned. Ideal way to combine evenings, tell it, ask for advice. To let off steam, confide. Then the world of Facebook, where everyone knows each other, meet, chat, find old school friends, create groups, you associate with other groups. The tomb of the free time in practice.
this great desire to communicate, however, appear not to belong to the real world. One in which we are all locked in our cars, clinging to the shopping cart, alert and get our glove, our little bag to put in order all in single file. Relying less cash than to say pieces, we followed that simple rule. When someone who does not know it speaks to us we are always caught by a total mistrust. Squared from down, believing deeply that this person is going to hypnotize us, rob, cheat.
All this simple world, usually waiting for me out there as soon as I leave office, is dematerialized when I walk around with my mom. Women can enter by force in the "intimate sphere" of all people, bringing them from "being on its" stage "laughing, joking, telling the story of your life" in a few jokes. When you ride with her on the street, at bus stops, the eye in the waiting room, supermarket, in short, everywhere, is that eventually people could not wait to be "approach, which want to talk, to tell their stories. With the right person before I can tell you all sorts of details about their private life, children, husband, pets. Eating habits, tastes in clothing. I mean look at life through this "gap size" shows the other side of the people that keep hidden.

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Vision Looks Like A Kladiscope


E 'was a marathon. Not that it's over. Indeed we are close to the end. Do not talk about race, because that does not last long even if the difficulty is all. But here is your marathon. That's when you think it's over, that you can not do more, you are coming cramps, here is more the sign-25km to the end. I feel a little ' so.
Metaphors aside the move was really hard. I thought the best moment would open the door and say "this is my hour (= ours), but with the relentless pace that led us I got this sentence. I opened it, seen the color that had ugly walls and I thought "this pink pig will never be whiter ..". Then run, clean, transport, accommodation, brush, scotch, scour, wash. Well at some point you did not do more. Bello is also tiring.
The other day, after ten (say 10) days of waiting, it's time for small (large) satisfaction. Parking in the course Bosio in Pinerolo and go to a dance school which also plates and goblets. What is the relationship between the two activities is still unknown to me. Pick my two plates. And I run at home. I put them. A little to the intercom, a larger for the mailbox. That's so I can finally call home.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blue Sweet 15 Invitasion Set

Life of weather

Tg5 looked like every morning, one that lasts 10 minutes and is sent in a constant loop, so as to allow people who suffer from slow awakening to the opportunity to understand each step a little more. Initially, only images without sound. Then you catch a glimpse of the securities. It is also a voice heard in the distance. After coffee, we also distinguish the words,-BANK ROBBERY-KILLED-thug--IL-CASHIER ARRESTED. Then gradually the news flow.
sleepy In my observation I was able to draw some conclusions. Especially about what affects Italians before leaving home. Yes, because after hearing the news, usually of a crime, we start with the weather. Meanwhile, open the bag as expected, the changes, the cursed black gold, currencies. Then the winning combination. Weather and horoscopes. I would like to know WHO you leave the house without knowing in the first heat / cold rain / sun. Based on this I decide what to wear, what shoes to wear. Umbrella. No umbrella. Lately, umbrella yes yes yes. Then the horoscope. First sign, second sign, the third is mine. I already know. Listening with no disregard: the ram (and I think Sabri) and then the bull (and I think of Sara), while between me and comment me if you are lucky or not, whether or not I'm happy for them. Then finally my sign. Great expectations. Poor results. The phrase is short and generic. Often fits the situation well, but leaves the solution of the problem completely in my hands. Suggesting most of the time an attitude "Machiavellian", an adjective that I think the dear Luisa de Giuli (astrologer) must be deposited in order to use it at will. Exacerbating poor creatures just woken up, suffering from low pressure, incapable of any reaction. Here I subisco horoscope every morning of DeGiuli.
The poor of the scale (eg mother) this morning said they felt " Take a lot of information before drawing a more complete program."
So what?? Yet I listen every morning. Fool me?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Enlightnment Acrostic


Maybe for me to abolish. Now shake hands know that formal, often meaningless, more often something mandatory. Happen to come across it in all sorts of hands, large and small. Hot or cold. Dry or wet. Wrinkled or soft. It is now widely thought that the handshake is the mirror of the soul almost. It symbolizes the character and spirit. The more springs the less the character of the string is subdued and devoid of energy. This has led to a rapid growth of vigorous handshakes. The idea that men are often to impress and give a quick idea of \u200b\u200btheir manhood, using the handshake as a business card. We tend unaware of our hands, we close in the media, neither iron nor soft, but we receive back a socket with pliers that leaves us breathless and aching fingers.
I repeat, I propose to abolish the handshake. Among relatives and friends, two beautiful kisses are the best, just wanting reducible to one. Transmit heat, there is physical contact. The handshake between strangers only makes sense to sign an agreement, an agreement. So broad and deep handshakes to business meetings, even when you code a contract. But enough of this outbreak of narrow free. Aimed mainly to shorten the distances "human" however, that often remain. And above all, dear man, go easy. We are made of butter.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Adult Stars Weight Gain

Virtuosi curriculum

In life, one knows , must know how to sell. Our Anna it is making a profession. In short, we must promote themselves. I often have with friends and colleagues in an exchange of ideas on how to fill its curriculum. Some are honest and want to stay to the core, and states that never, even under torture, could misrepresent. Never could be attributed to know a bit 'better a language that actually has forgotten or never knew, nor include attitudes, skills or experience slightly untrue.
There are some who on the other hand has no such modesty. Declares the blatantly false, sure remain unpunished in un'omertà rampant, according to which nobody asks and nobody tells more than what is required.

Actually my opinion has always been to sell the best, and without saying anything wrong, to understand their skills, often using whole sentences to say a beloved Cippa anything.
In the work I do and I often willingly to see me go under the hand of curricula. Some very simple, with so many other experiences. But only some of them can be considered true works of art. When I finish reading it, I take over again and wonder, but what kind of job are we talking about? I can not fail to give a practical example. Here is a brief list of skills and competences acquired by the candidate:
- Ability to work in teams and interact with customers
- Social skills and adaptation in multi-ethnic environment
- Developed willingness to listen.
- Ability to work under stress, especially related to the relationship with the public
guess all this? In serving in a bar. I have no words, so much hair, I would like to meet you!
PS , but Google has a program?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nipple Piercing Vidoes

Rocciamaneud: restaurant overlooking the industrial area in Blogging

It 'a bit' that I was not to recommend a restaurant. But I must say that after the experience in this little restaurant I have brightened the taste buds and the desire to tell.
First I must clarify that only the wonderful place in which it offers more than enough reason to go just for a coffee. The restaurant overlooks its Rocciamaneud large window on Valpellice in a show of good days, but missed the evening. While waiting for the dishes arrive at the table ordered, time flies by looking through the glass all the lights that shimmer in the valley just below. The menu is a la carte even if there are formulas for the tasting menu and also very cheap for lunch during the week. By looking through the various dishes you see at once that those who have studied did not want to stay in the banality, offering traditional dishes of Piedmont revisited (as gnocchi alla caoda wet) or designed for vegetarians. The hospitality is excellent, as courtesy. In addition to the marked paper are the proposals of the day (as a donkey stew). I recommend the poker of cold appetizers, with the anchovies with red turn heads. The desserts are also amazing, from the Neapolitan pastiera meringue. Prices, better book. Places are very few, the cozy and familiar environment. I have to go back, if only to taste the snack sinoira.

Restaurant Rocciamaneud Loc Rocciamaneud, 206, Angrogna Tel 0121/944334 - 333/6203548 Closed Wednesday and Thursday lunch and dinner for lunch

Friday, March 21, 2008

Footed Pajamas Pattern

It 's a shame to have overlooked so long my blog. I know. I'm aware of.
When someone neglects their blog is never out of malice against him. I imagine a bit 'as the bride / or far to where you think much love, but just can not reach because of the many many miles that separate them. So the blog as it is. One thinks of him. There languishing. Would you could say many things, but lack the time and occasion.
I think about my blog every time I pass the exit I go, that makes me as a link between the industrial area and the intricate world of road from Turin.
In the evening, tired and with the semi-lobotomized mind, I often go into the lane and Telepass pull out of the gate opener in a futile attempt to make myself open to that. The bar is still open and I feel every time a bit 'more foolish. There are moments when I would say, the story on this blog.
I am also thinking about it when I see the havoc that is here, always in the industrial area. Place where the laws do not exist, the trucks parked in the middle of the round. Nobody puts the arrows, many go against traffic.
Where do you hang out, out of our lovely offices, are prostitutes that they tear the pallet at one meter from you and are prepared to make a fire for the cold night that waits. Where every place is a dumpster. Naples where we've got it. Although the separate work here, at least for those who want to do. But a few steps from industries that produce mind-boggling turnovers, as the Italdesign to name just the most famous, where mushrooming shopping malls, such as 45 degrees North and a few steps to make new buildings with shops and supermarkets, next door is the incivility. And this is just one small example.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Part Time Job In Tim Horton Brampton

The Raketa chicory

now the most precious things in the world are those that are obtained free of charge. As a thing is rare is more precious. The reasoning is flawless. In this
caroeuro and dear all (today I spent € 60 for full, no comment ) senior citizens and not just with their basic pensions and their big bellies, because hunger does not age, are drawn as flies from this simple food.
found in nature very easily. The plants are very recognizable and, after a rapid boil, they can be eaten by their voracious appetites.
Armed hat, knife and plastic bag roam the fields bent at 90 degrees. Apart from the risk of not getting up and hitting or rather slip into something more than brown Green, the elderly are launched not only laughing on the fields of places outside the city. No. They even venture here in our gray and depressed industrial area to Vadò Moncalieri, full of all sorts of pollution free to try this delicacy. In small plots of land between the sidewalk and the state, they are sometimes with the grandchildren, the dog (which is also concimante fours) and his wife, to grab as soon emerge, these timid and green leaves.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How To Remove Kidney Cysts

Pizza yes, but the cut! We remain vigilant

be a little 'time, I will be so hungry, but it was a bit' of time that I wanted spend a long thought to my trusted baker.
The early morning has clouded the windows from the hot breath of bread, croissants and pizzas. Crossing the threshold, my eyes sparkle at the sight of so many good things freshly. The sciura serving just seems out of the hairdresser, always perfect, cutting, bending, color. Always polite. Congratulations, that envy. But I am disheveled, sleepy, eyes still stuck. But open wide, before such bendiddio. The sandwiches are great, soft and tender. Saturday and Saturday only then make the bread in the country. But do not take a view, so that all the wild sheep starved to see. No. They keep him in the back (along with who knows how many other good things ..) and if you know him, have you heard, then you ask him. They bring out the trend and you have the matching images.
But if the passion is sweet, I put aside the classic croissant and I would vote, body and soul to the "hands", small hands made of croissant dough between your fingers with a lot of good apricot jam.
If it's the pizza-watering, entering on the left is the cutting. I know that at Via Saluzzo is the world's best pizza, but the baker is still hot is a dream. Simple, focaccia, pizza, focaccia stuffed focaccia with tomatoes or onions. And while I'm writing a piece not too small faithful waiting for me in the darkness of my shack. Bon appetit!

furnace Boaglio via Montegrappa 49 Pinerolo

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Do Irish Have Big Noses

It 's amazing how the force of habit impels us to see what there really is not. A very short episode to explain.
Today in my office. In front of my desk there are two stools. For six months, one was red the other grenade. Recently, the red has been replaced, and now they are both grenade. Upon arrival of a customer with his new eyes and fresh look stools and says they are both equal. We here look the same stools and argue that one is red and a grenade. Although there before the reality is quite different. There, the grenade screaming from all sides.
But then why do we see through the eyes of yesterday and not today? Why the habit leads us to distort reality?
I'd miss this film and I see everything with new eyes.
Same situation when guests arrive. Until a few hours before the house is in perfect order. When guests must arrive, everything changes. Home is the same, but I look at everything with their eyes and know many things that were not there before. Newspapers in clutter, cobwebs, shoes out of place.
But why does not this look we have it every day? Not for me to come home with guilt, but see everything that way. As if it were the first.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Average Price Of Car Starters

life in a wheelchair

theory of evolution. Dear Darwin today I just thought.
From here a hundred years, even more, there will be a natural selection that lead some individuals to be selected, others put it aside.

suppose that the characteristics of the chosen, in large species dell'homus impiegatus (read average employee) will have as main characteristic a particular strength in the calves. We say that the calves are strong to use as a long neck to giraffe.
Yes, because the real clerk seeking ergonomizzare
his every move o. No movement should be useless or cause any waste of energy, albeit in infinitesimal.
main instrument of this philosophy is the fifth wheel chair. Subject often overlooked, purchased by companies for the well-known law 626. In addition to preventing strange postures, and gobbismi stortismi allows you to reach every part of the office with a simple push, raise the feet and it flies out from side to side. Light as butterflies.
The files do not run away more, in a flash you get to the phone. Get up becomes an immense effort and above all unnecessary. How far the chair arrives, you go. Where does not arrive, patience, you stop.
Pity the stairs, elevators, narrow ...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Nero 7 Ultra Edition Plug In

Tears adieu! Private vs. public

Science and research are our future. We place in scientific research, our deepest hopes. Scientists will make us live to 150 years and no one will never be the board. Defeat all diseases we know today, leaving room for all those who still do not know. Choose thanks to them, the color of hair and eyes of our children.
But why speak of the future, as early as this are making strides? Perhaps if they had not been cut research funding in our beautiful country, now we can be proud of us in this incredible discovery. Today

4 February, New Zealand scientists after long and long-standing laboratory tests, announce to the media and to us the curious creation of the first onion without tears. They deactivated the gene for the enzyme that makes us cry. After four years of research have changed the DNA of the onion and given the soffirtti way to genetically modified. Then
via the braised meat sauce, the fried onions, the onions sweet and sour! Tears

Friday, February 1, 2008

Are Burping And Farting A Sign Of Stomach Flu

I know it's a cliché. E 'on everyone's lips, the old men who look at the construction sites at home while his wife puts up the soup, the man sitting in the bar between a glass of red wine and playing cards. But I want to say too.
I do not often have to do with "the state", meaning that in their various institutions and municipalities in particular. But on the rare occasions that our touch lives and meet, it makes me nervous. As a good southern half blood caliente, just very little to make it boil. A few delays, a few haggard face and so on.
We are the private small busy bees. We arrive at the office on time and if there is much work we get to hum at a good pace and forget coffee break and often break Vicci. We can make moles incredible work in a morning, as the goddess Kali to do eight things at once and leave exhausted, but satisfied with our work on a typical day of 8 hours.
In the municipal offices does not happen just like that. It seems that everything is left to chance. Suppose you have to go to register to do simple certificates, so I'm not talking about a marriage proposal from a woman Italian - Kurdish and the dead. Because everything does not happen easily and automatically? Type: numerino must take the case x, y and z. The other letters of the divide in a row. Each direct access without queuing at the counters, the other to fill out the form provided. A little something so simple and clear. I do not claim anything more. The nice thing would be to know these simple tricks before waiting three quarters of an hour, and before the newest but well-informed steps in front of you to practice as long Lent.
If my town was in need of advice, I'm available!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

South Park For Ipod Streaming


sometimes happens to turn all the European capitals, want to see more. Leave the EU, looking for places more beautiful, magical experience to remember. Look, maybe years later, the pictures taken on holiday more or less short next to people who were with you, pointing out the lights, buildings, streets and shops. Remember citizens. Sometimes broken. We remember a place, but not how we got here. We recall an anecdote, but how did that situation.
We often think that taking a plane, buying a vacation now attached to our www inseparable, we can live the excitement and unique.
But no. Sometimes they are not where you expect them, turning a corner. Passing through the street, in a hurry with the car and the corner of my eye. An unexpected color, a particular situation. Maybe the things we see every day, different views on that day, because we are to be changed.
to excite more than anything, are often the landscape. And for those who love them like I love the mountains. Often create unexpected scenarios. When there is fog, when there is one and they are white with snow. When did ugly but the clouds made red or pink by the sun, give us a reason to smile.
Some people try these emotions around the different continents. There are those who find them, without notice, climbing the stairs, in the center of Turin.

Alps View from the Monte dei Cappuccini - Torino. Museum of the Mountain. Second floor.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Where To Buy Toter Trash Cans

E 'already happened to us all. The unhealthy temptation to buy every kind of object just because it is cheap, just because in the balance. Below cost? Then we buy! Special offer? We're coming. Now I just see his eyes twinkle a sales brochure. And to those who write outside the home No Ads In Buca, I respond publicly in the hole? Yes, please!
to fly faster than light, certainly better with their leaflets door to door (not the sale), are the newsletter, which we promise all the desire to ridiculous figures. But never ridiculous as those of Lidl.
How many times have we heard relatives, friends or relatives of friends (!) Tell us about the crazy business done between the four dismal walls lit by the pale neon? Toaster capable amazing of each function, blend in flour and soaring import (almost) alone. In short, the promised land. All in all, more often, stay away from this world of temptations from relief to our finances, but certainly not to our morbid fantasy that seeks the most blatant consumerism.
After long abstinence, certainly very balanced and wise, the temptation has crept in and opened its gate. A bit 'like a dam, which accumulates and accumulates its water, but as there is even a small leak, the water overflow press and makes all the back .. This is just to give you an idea.
Therefore go to Lidl last night for more in good company it was an unforgettable almost. Exactly what triggers the trip, my hair dryer. Time in a desperate attempt to pair it with a diffuser for curly hair. Result pairing: zero curly hair dryer and melt. Moment of mourning for a friend of many, many adventures. Then they immediately think of his replacement. : Life ... Of course, the coincidences are always welcome, and the newsletter is a super space Lidl hair dryer on offer. Or almost telepathic. I sling it. But we must know offertedellidl a simple rule: if the offer is the day x NEVER go on Y. So yesterday had to absolutely go, the ideal would be a barricade in front of the Canadian entry wait for the opening and see the sun rise behind the squalid yard. But you can not be perfect. The race to the shelves there, as well as the ansietta to get there and see that the barbarian hordes ransacked all possible. But no! There is everything! Marvel also see all the other amazing things that are unnecessary and some scattered everywhere, furniture, shelves, lamps, tools for gardening, DIY, in short, everything. Therefore I go out with toothpaste, a portable greenhouse with the basil, the famous hair-dryer, food of various kinds, and especially such a great desire to return. Monday there is another offer ...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Customize Soccer Mercurial Cleats

Lidl's Something About Mary Taylor - Song Beneath the Song

If you are tense, agitated, stressed ... feel well here.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Best Bra Small Breasts

A hectic start

We're back on track. All of you. In the car, then in office, then back in the car and at home. Way, start again. I have a little 'that feeling of brown, like an onion in hot oil until arrival in the tomato sauce. And this year there's just a lot of sauce. Since the new house and all that entails, charges and satisfactions equally distributed. Fortunately, the holiday I have loaded enough to face the coming months.
For the first time any voyage, but I did the full family. Both my new little one peak, that is enlarged by now has come about after so many years. The alliance now merged and acquired true among relatives with whom it is always nice to spend the hours. The beauty of Christmas is just that, closer to his family, who now see the need for or the distance we see less frequently. Appreciate the many fine traditions. Like the tree, the ceremonial opening of the gifts (although marred by various influences), the pranzone and dinner.
I also met some new people, always a source of encouragement and reflection. Why are we always used to deal very little with others, often live surrounded by more or less the same people every day throughout the year. I enjoyed the New Year instead discovered in the company of a couple Verone - Parisian - London that Christmas and New Year are not everywhere the same. What a dumb crackers and barrels as if it were the anti-World War I (maybe II) is not the norm everywhere in the world. That is not normal for the first year, there are ambulances to patrol the streets, because in theory is more or less a party for everyone. But the more I looked with new eyes at our Italian, and with pride. We criticized a bit 'all over the world, often with good reason, for many small difettucci, like the Mafia and overflight everything else. But we are also a great nation of traditionalists, this time in a good way.
Under the traditional parties desire to multiply and go looking for them all, one by one, without even noticing. Asking the Parisian boy, Simon, what were the dishes in France during the celebrations, he said that there were none. I was there with all the emphasis instead to explain to us during the holidays can not miss panettone & pandoro, lentils bring money (this was not easy to understand), sausage or knuckle is the same, except for the hungry rind eaters, capon at Christmas is a must (among other compliments Mom has cooked so amazing). I thought it was beautiful, a whole people united by the spread uses, all of them guzzling lentils. Who always go at the end. In all the houses.