Monday, April 28, 2008

Enlightnment Acrostic


Maybe for me to abolish. Now shake hands know that formal, often meaningless, more often something mandatory. Happen to come across it in all sorts of hands, large and small. Hot or cold. Dry or wet. Wrinkled or soft. It is now widely thought that the handshake is the mirror of the soul almost. It symbolizes the character and spirit. The more springs the less the character of the string is subdued and devoid of energy. This has led to a rapid growth of vigorous handshakes. The idea that men are often to impress and give a quick idea of \u200b\u200btheir manhood, using the handshake as a business card. We tend unaware of our hands, we close in the media, neither iron nor soft, but we receive back a socket with pliers that leaves us breathless and aching fingers.
I repeat, I propose to abolish the handshake. Among relatives and friends, two beautiful kisses are the best, just wanting reducible to one. Transmit heat, there is physical contact. The handshake between strangers only makes sense to sign an agreement, an agreement. So broad and deep handshakes to business meetings, even when you code a contract. But enough of this outbreak of narrow free. Aimed mainly to shorten the distances "human" however, that often remain. And above all, dear man, go easy. We are made of butter.


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