It 's amazing how the force of habit impels us to see what there really is not. A very short episode to explain.
Today in my office. In front of my desk there are two stools. For six months, one was red the other grenade. Recently, the red has been replaced, and now they are both grenade. Upon arrival of a customer with his new eyes and fresh look stools and says they are both equal. We here look the same stools and argue that one is red and a grenade. Although there before the reality is quite different. There, the grenade screaming from all sides.
But then why do we see through the eyes of yesterday and not today? Why the habit leads us to distort reality?
I'd miss this film and I see everything with new eyes.
Same situation when guests arrive. Until a few hours before the house is in perfect order. When guests must arrive, everything changes. Home is the same, but I look at everything with their eyes and know many things that were not there before. Newspapers in clutter, cobwebs, shoes out of place.
But why does not this look we have it every day? Not for me to come home with guilt, but see everything that way. As if it were the first.
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