more now communicate almost exclusively in a virtual way. Since the invention of the telephone in such forward. The letters have been lost a bit 'down the street, those lines a bit' wrong on which to show off its good or bad handwriting. Go to choose a stationery writing paper better, even scented.
Now there are faxes and emails even better. But now even these are exceeded: by Messenger. Real drug of our years, without which we would feel lost, isolated and abandoned. Ideal way to combine evenings, tell it, ask for advice. To let off steam, confide. Then the world of Facebook, where everyone knows each other, meet, chat, find old school friends, create groups, you associate with other groups. The tomb of the free time in practice.
this great desire to communicate, however, appear not to belong to the real world. One in which we are all locked in our cars, clinging to the shopping cart, alert and get our glove, our little bag to put in order all in single file. Relying less cash than to say pieces, we followed that simple rule. When someone who does not know it speaks to us we are always caught by a total mistrust. Squared from down, believing deeply that this person is going to hypnotize us, rob, cheat.
All this simple world, usually waiting for me out there as soon as I leave office, is dematerialized when I walk around with my mom. Women can enter by force in the "intimate sphere" of all people, bringing them from "being on its" stage "laughing, joking, telling the story of your life" in a few jokes. When you ride with her on the street, at bus stops, the eye in the waiting room, supermarket, in short, everywhere, is that eventually people could not wait to be "approach, which want to talk, to tell their stories. With the right person before I can tell you all sorts of details about their private life, children, husband, pets. Eating habits, tastes in clothing. I mean look at life through this "gap size" shows the other side of the people that keep hidden.
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