Sunday, August 23 at the Teatro Marcello in Rome, as part of tour of the temple Giuliana Soscia & Pino Iodice Italian Tango Quartet will present the songs on the new CD "Ancient Stones".

Jorge Luis Borges wrote: "I do not look for metaphysical truth, or even the likelihood, but the surprise. Judging metaphysics a branch of fantastic reality." Giuliana Soscia and Pino Jodice seems to have taken this concept and have unconsciously transposed into their music. This shared conviction of the great Argentine writer, in his disarming simplicity, his ideal sound mirror in the guidelines that have created the "Ancient Stones ", the new work of the Italian Tango Quartet. Rereading "Tlön Uqbar, Orbis Tertius," Borges wrote the story in 1940, we discover how he was anticipating the extreme relativism of some postmodern, listening to the ten compositions, signed by eighty percent Soscia and Jodice, we take the desire to surprise without resorting to effect solutions, using the language of tango solid culturally filtered by a creative who knows more, look at each other and, ultimately, to become more. The Italian Tango Quartet, like Borges, he makes fun of those who hide behind a strong planning a rigorous form of knowledge only, but no the desire to be truly novel.
would be simplistic to call "Ancient Stones" a good album of tango-jazz. Simplistic and, even more wrong, because in the enveloping stream of notes "a sad thought that is danced" the attractive (as good) Soscia el'ormai sailed Jodice, they built a small monument to the versatility of the discrete tango , thanks to the invaluable support of the musicians who contributed to this project. Without wishing to the anatomy of each song, each track offers different levels of play, each of them accomplished and independent. We include in any order that the listener can take them to his discretion: melodic sprout often several matrices that make up fifty percent of the famous Italian nature that created the tango in the mid-800, like the foam of the sea crashing on the rocks outcrop archetypes of modern jazz, appear as the most natural thing in the unlikely crossroads of cultures may sound far away as Argentina and Scotland, the Parties declared reassure lovingly dedicated to the fathers of music born in Buenos Aires, ideally from the thread that ties together the pearls, shining moments of absolute freedom of expression, leading to abandonment of any formal constraint, and finally emerges forcefully the Mediterranean nature of the protagonists, absolutely ready to be confirmed by the beloved children of the world. The album "Ancient Stones" as the dance of tango is much more than a place (composition failed) and a specific step (perfect performance). It 's the result of a successful alchemy of many ingredients that, despite their very different tastes, it sounds as cohesive, moreover, happened to the tango more than 150 years ago, when music was born from the fusion of European, African and gaucho. We are faced with the songs than to listen with their ears can be heard coursing through his veins. "Ancient Stones" CD is a physical, visceral, sweaty, refined and elegant. A wonderful contradiction in terms.
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