Housewives do not despair! Among
do not think there is a precise moment, a bell ringing, someone who says "Hey, E 'right now." Yet it happens, look in the mirror, realizing that something is changing. I do not mean the mirror itself. The one where you write down every morning spots, dark circles, puffy eyes, patches of toothpaste. No, I speak of our inner mirror. What we can do every now and then a snapshot of ourselves, make observations and draw conclusions in some cases.
realizing it was not easy. In fact, sometimes we discover a change in itself, just as you see it in people who have next. Husbands and wives, parents, friends or colleagues.
The other night I was just laughing at me, impaninata between a pizza and a Coke with my friends.
When I talk to friends, those friends who mean a bit 'you are, for some reason or appearance are the image of one side of our character and the way we do. Invest representation of all this, even if they were a member of my staff Parliament, observations and deduce from their behavior what I most concerns. One of them has just gone to live on his own. New house, beautiful (among other things still compliment), great. Potentially, with two daughters, could become a Babel of confusion. Especially if managed by the person to whom I had written Wash me in the dust of the dresser, found written in weeks later. In the new house, what would happen? I open a drawer intimidated. I fall into my eyes and bounce off the pizza. ORDER. I find in there the order at its best. The idea of \u200b\u200bPlatonic order. My brain immediately calls to mind the image of my drawer. The same. The second from the top of the kitchen. That drawer where you do not find anything, seems to have passed Unabomber good soul.
Inside me proud of my home was injured. An indelible stain on the tablecloth clean laundry. In my past weekend, I cleaned with commitment. I got there and I put in order the damn drawer ruined reputation.
And it was there that I realized I had made the leap. And yes. I had gone beyond the barricade. From teenagers to elderly home medaglialmerito unrepentant.
I was consoled by the idea that at least, dear Roby, two of us to have made the leap!
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