Friday, September 25, 2009

Back Of Thigh Blood Clot

every Monday from 19.00 to 20.00
C to s to d and the J to z z
Ardeatina Gate Avenue, 55

For people like me, who has several decades, faces the difficult task of writing and describe the sounds of music and its interpreters, the opportunity given me by the House of Jazz (to create a cycle of 12 meetings on jazz and its contamination) has become an absolute must. Being able to listen to music, watch videos, engage journalists with "informed of the facts", to use examples played live by musicians, fans of the genre in question, allow me to make 12 appointments, entitled "Jazz Colours - The music that revolves around you "they want, as stated in the title show, as fully and spectacular as possible, the infinite "colors of jazz."

Going beyond the vision of jazz as a genre well-defined (and historicized), I strongly believe that a journey outside the boundaries of tradition and formal rigor, could further facilitate the ' interest (actually increasing) to a form of music often (and wrongly) held too tight circuits. This series of meetings is based, therefore, consider the concept of jazz (in all its forms) is a language free and open up its inception, and as such, available to absorb any other type of stress (Be it cultural, ethnic or social). The jazz is, and not just me to think, the only "big umbrella" under which you can repair the creativity of today's players with a realistic chance to make something new and unusual at the beginning of a century that follows another, where everything seems to have already done.

Jazz at large, as opportunities to contaminate jazz and experiment, jazz as a crossroads for the exchange of distant cultures, jazz as a free zone to take risks in the name of the new. But as jazz and folk sounds understandable, given how Jazz sound that provide different levels of reading. Leaving to others the appearance analysis of genres, styles and trends of the strict, "Jazz Colours - The music that revolves around you" has the objective purpose of bringing the audience to a world of diverse and often expresses its peak, with topics to be including full, they need a minimum preparation of the listener. While maintaining high attention to the archetypes of pure jazz, I think it is important to bring the hand towards the public areas which sometimes seem obscure and, in fact, are widely popular expression. In "Jazz Colours - the music that revolves around" as jazz, in its essence, is always accompanied by another word. Will interesting to explain why this music was born, its social, cultural crossings, the type of spread in the territory and time. (AS)

The House of Jazz presents

Jazz Colours - The music that revolves around you

12 games on jazz and its influences

Auditorium of the Casa del Jazz


leads Alfredo Saitto

With the expertise of Victor Malpassuto


Monday, October 5: Introduction to the cycle. A fly on macro-universe jazz and a trip back in time.

Monday, October 12: Jazz and Cuba

Monday, October 19: Jazz and Brazil.

Friday, October 30: Jazz and Rock.

Monday, November 2: Jazz and electronics.

Wednesday, November 11: Jazz and the Beatles.

Monday, November 16: Jazz and Musical.

Monday, November 23: Jazz and Tango.

Monday, November 30: Jazz and World Music.

Monday, December 7: Jazz and Pop (song form)

Monday, Dec. 14: Jazz and Dance.

Tuesday, Dec. 23: Jazz and Spirituality.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

How To Masterbate With Your Ear

meetings: 12 meetings at the Casa del Jazz

every Monday from 19.00 to 20.00
C to s to d and the J to z z
Ardeatina Gate Avenue, 55
in the arrival of each meeting info